Speculative City is run completely by volunteer work. Each issue is funded out of pocket, and no profit is made. We are asking you, the reader, to help support the magazine and its contributors.
We currently offer writers and artists between $20-$55 for their pieces. We believe that contributors should be compensated for the hard work they put into creating the stories, poems, essays, and visual art that they have shared with us. We value their labor and dedication to their art, and payment only makes sense.
One of the primary reasons we ask for your support is so that we can pay our contributors a professional rate like they deserve. (SFWA classifies a professional rate as $0.06 a word.)
The second reason we ask for your support is because we are creating a free resource of contemporary speculative literature. Our website does not feature advertising and all content in the magazine is completely open to the public.
With your help, Speculative City can then
1. pay contributors a professional rate,
2. continue keeping the website free of advertisements, and
3. continue offering the magazine for free.
Thank you for your support:
• dave ring
• Jennifer
• Katie McCarthy
• DM Nors
• C Krumins
• Alina